Wrongful Death
Memphis Wrongful Death Attorney
The premature death of a loved one due to the negligence or misconduct of another is a truly incomprehensible situation. The Porter Law Firm, PLLC deeply sympathizes with the families and loved ones affected by this type of tragedy. By law, survivors of the deceased may be entitled to receive compensation for a wrongful death. These benefits can include funeral costs, medical expenses, pain and suffering, loss of wages and emotional distress for the loss of a loved one. Our attorneys in Memphis, TN can help you make claims for the following accident types:
• Automobile accidents
• Motorcycle accidents
• Tractor-trailer accidents
• Defective products
• Dangerous premises
• Falls
• Drowning
• Electric shock
• Criminal acts
• Other accidental or intentional causes
A spouse, a child or any other surviving next of kin may file a claim of wrongful death after the event of a fatal accident. Too often we see these claims become a complex legal issue, liability, and law issue and get lost in the system. We have multiple Memphis wrongful death attorneys that are knowledgeable, compassionate, and who deeply care about your claim. We can explain the statute of limitations that limits the time a family has to file a wrongful death claim, because negligence or other liability needs to be legally established and the burden of proving legal responsibility falls on the family filing the claim. We notice unfortunately, that insurance companies are not always willing to offer compensation that is equivalent to the full financial impact of an injury, making it crucial that you have a wrongful death attorney working with you. Don’t delay or put off hiring a wrongful death attorney to protect your family’s rights. The Porter Law Firm, PLLC stands ready to assist you with legal aid from one of our attorneys in Memphis, TN. Call us today for your free case evaluation with no obligation.