Get Your Life in Order, Call Porter
Rear-end collisions are the most common cause of car accidents nationwide. In fact, about 29% of all car accidents happen because someone else ran into the back of a car, truck, or SUV.
Porter Law Firm in Memphis represents all types of car accidents, from drunk drivers and hit and run to rear-end collisions. We work diligently to get you what you deserve after a car accident. Our team has years of experience, and we represent you throughout all stages of the lawsuit process. Learn more about rear-end collisions below, and contact us for a free consultation today!

Common Causes of Rear-End Collisions
Most rear-end collisions occur when a vehicle is stopped or slowing down. In fact, about 81% of rear-end collisions happen when the front car is at a complete stop. As you can tell, the car behind was probably driving too fast for conditions or was tail-gating. Distracted drivers are the second major cause of rear-end car accidents. This can be someone eating, texting, or glancing behind them at their baby or dog.
What To Do if You Are in a Rear-End Accident
If you are in a rear-end accident, the first thing you should do is see if everyone is alright. If not, get medical attention for those who need it. Call the police so they can investigate and file a report. Take pictures of the positions of the cars. Request a copy of the accident report and get in touch with your insurance agent. After that, call a car accident attorney, especially if the accident was not your fault and/or you were injured.

Who is at Fault in a Rear-End Accident?
It is commonly known that the driver in the back is at fault for rear-end collision. However, this is not always the case, and the lead driver could be at fault instead. Common instances where the lead driver is at fault would be the lead driver is drunk, they slam on their brakes on purpose, thinking you are tail-gating them, or they have a broken tail light or brake lights, so you don’t know they are stopped. The police will perform an investigation and work with the insurance companies once it is determined who is at fault.
How Porter Law Firm Can Help
Porter Law Firm offers representation for those who have been in a car accident. Our team has years of experience in ensuring you are justly compensated for damages, injuries, and the like. We do our own investigation of the accident in order to form a solid case. No matter the cause, we can get you results.

Our Memphis car accident attorneys have extensive knowledge of the law and of insurance companies, so we can get you the most favorable outcome. We specialize in truck and motorcycle accidents, too, which are commonly involved in rear-end collisions. Don’t settle for a quick settlement; contact us for a free consultation today.