An ambulance at a car accident

Unfortunately, auto accidents result in thousands of deaths a year. It’s extremely tragic, and if you are involved in a car accident in Memphis with a death, it can be extremely traumatic. Porter Law Firm is a car accident attorney in Memphis who fights for the rights of their clients. Below, we’ll go over what happens if the at-fault driver dies in a car accident. Call for a free consultation today!

Insurance claim form You Can Still File a Claim

Many people are hesitant to file a claim if the at-fault driver dies in a car accident. However, you are still living and may be severely injured yourself. You deserve just compensation for your injuries, even in the event of a death. Here in Tennessee, you can still file a personal injury claim when the at-fault driver dies.

Lawyers working together on a case

Obtain a Top-Rated Car Accident Lawyer

As you can imagine, you’ll need someone well versed in personal injury law to handle your claim. Porter Law Firm can help ensure you receive compensation in the event of the death of the at-fault driver. Call to get started today.

Closeup of hands holding a pen and paperworkNext Steps

Once you have obtained the services of a personal injury attorney in Memphis, they will file a claim on your behalf. This will be against their car insurance company. You will have no ability to file a claim against the deceased’s family members.

Portrait fo a smiling female lawyerResults

If your car accident claim is successful, you should receive just compensation for your injuries. Do note that if the extent of your injuries exceed the at-fault driver’s insurance policy, you may be able to file a claim against the uninsured motorist coverage on your car insurance for the difference.


Porter Law Firm in Memphis can help you no matter the situation or circumstances of your car accident. Call for a free consultation today!